Glass half full or half empty?
What is a thought distortion and why should I care? In this blog, therapist Jessica Brady outlines the most common negative thinking patterns. The first step to change is awareness. Come learn with us today.
Back to School Transition Tips
Back to school is here & it can be stressful. Read a few therapist-approved tips for making the transition easier for the whole family.
What is self-care?
Self-care is the act of taking care of yourself so that you can be well to live the life that you desire and meet the demands that life brings. As a result of caring for yourself more meaningfully, you begin to experience improvements in all aspects of your life. Your body, mind, and soul become well and whole.
Our Minds are Dangerous Places to Live Sometimes
Cognitive behavior therapy focuses on our thoughts. It helps us see the connection between our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. The three are connected: Our thoughts influence our feelings and our feelings determine our behaviors.
Understanding Trauma, Part 2
When we experience trauma, our beliefs and assumptions can get rattled. Our bodies are affected in addition to our minds. The good news is that the effects of trauma on our nervous system can be reversed!
Collective Trauma - How to Process and Move Toward Healing
With the local tragedies in Clarksville/Nashville, Tennessee during March of 2023, in addition to the numerous traumatic experiences over the past few years, many people are suffering from collective trauma. Read to learn more from a therapist and how you can begin to heal.