How to Show Up Well for Yourself

Why do we need to show up for ourselves?  Why is self-care so important? There are so many reasons! 

  • Self care can improve our physical health.  It is hard to do anything when physically we don’t feel our best. 

  • The majority of people would say that reducing stress would greatly improve their quality of life. Guess what self care is linked to?  Reducing stress and anxiety!  You can’t pour from an empty cup.

  • Self-care is also a great way to improve our relationships. You can’t pour into others if we are not taking time to care for ourselves.  It is like the analogy about the oxygen mask - you are instructed to put your oxygen mask on before putting it on others.  We cannot show up for our people if we aren’t showing up for ourselves. 

Here are a few simple ways that we can begin to show up for ourselves and carve time out each week to make sure we are paying attention to our physical, mental, and spiritual health. 

  • Try a relaxing activity: meditation, muscle relaxation, breathing exercises.  We can all get so busy so schedule time a couple of times a week to help stay on track. 

  • Develop a healthy routine that is manageable for you.  This can include a balanced diet, staying hydrated, and exercise. 

  • Practice an attitude of gratitude. Try keeping a gratitude journal that you write in the morning or before going to bed.  This can help fight negative thinking patterns and create a more positive outlook. 

  • Get and stay connected.   Make spending time with healthy and positive friends and family a priority.  

  • Show yourself grace and patience.  You are a work in progress.  Take time to acknowledge the positive changes you are making.  

Small changes can equal big results. Start small and make your self-care routine work for you.  If you try an activity and you don’t like it, don’t get discouraged.  Try something else! 

Another great form of self-care: THERAPY (shameless plug)!  Therapy provides a safe space that is just for you!  It is an hour each week that focuses on you and your health. I am still accepting new clients. If you’re interested, click here to learn more.

Whether you decide to give therapy a try or not, we are here for you and we are rooting for you to feel the best physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually possible! 

Jessica Brady

Jessica is a licensed therapist with over 15 years in the mental health field. She most often uses a cognitive behavioral approach to therapy with a belief that by changing our thinking patterns we can improve the way we feel. She will use a non-judgmental and collaborative approach to help you meet your treatment goals.

Intro to Mental Health Education


Understanding our Emotions